Learn, Grow, succeed with Kumon

Personalized learning programs designed to foster self-learning and academic excellence.
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All About Kumon

KUMON is a globally renowned educational program that focuses on individualized, self-paced learning in mathematics. Established in 1958, KUMON helps students build strong foundational skills, critical thinking abilities, and confidence by mastering concepts step-by-step. The program encourages independent learning and discipline, empowering students to progress beyond their school grade level and also develop lifelong problem-solving skills.


By discovering the potential of each individual and developing his or her ability to the maximum, we aim to foster sound, capable people and thus contribute to the global community.


We wish each individual in the world will be enthusiastically self learning and making efforts towards realizing his or her goals and dreams

Features of Kumon Method

The KUMON Method emphasizes self-learning and progression at an individual pace. It builds strong foundational skills in math and reading, fostering independence and confidence.

Self-Learning Focus

Students are encouraged to develop the ability to complete unfamiliar and challenging tasks independently fostering confidence and problem solving skills.

Progress in small steps

The worksheets have been specially designed to enable students to advance smoothly in a small process which encourages students to self learn and advance independently at all times.

Individualized-pace Learning

By continuing to study at a “just-right” level to their ability and advancing at their own pace, children are able to advance beyond their school grade level. It not only benefits students academically but also helps them to develop confidence and self-esteem.

Focus on Mastery

Students progress only when they have mastered a topic, ensuring a deep understanding before advancing. This mastery-focused approach helps to eliminate gaps in knowledge.

Diagnostic Assessment

Each student begins with a diagnostic test to identify their current skill level and appropriate starting point.

Expansion of  KUMON since 1958

Implementing KUMON at your School

Implementing the KUMON Method at your school involves integrating self-learning practices into the curriculum, allowing students to progress independently in subjects like math and reading. This approach fosters discipline, problem-solving skills, and confidence, tailored to each student's pace for better learning outcomes.
Establish a dedicated KUMON lab.
Appoint a Dedicated KUMON Lab Instructor.
Provision of Tablets with stylus pen.
Ensure High Speed internet for KUMON lab.
Schedule minimum of 4 KUMON classes per week per grade.
Minimum of 100 enrollment in KUMON class.

Services of Kumon

Kumon provides personalized, self-paced learning programs in math and reading, designed to build strong foundational skills. These programs foster independence and confidence, helping students achieve academic success.

Two Weeks of Free Trial Classes

Students can participate in two weeks of complimentary trial classes to experience the benefits of the KUMON program before full enrollment.

Comprehensive Training & Development Phase

We provide a minimum of three months of training and support for teachers and students, ensuring a smooth transition to the KUMON methodology. Additional training is provided as required to meet the needs of the school.

Performance Reports

Our quality assurance team will regularly evaluate student progress and program implementation to maintain high standards. Weekly and monthly reports detailing student performance will be provided to the school, enabling teachers and administrators to track progress effectively.

Regular Follow-Up Visits

After the initial training phase, our team will visit the school once a week to monitor the program and ensure consistent quality and effectiveness

Parental Engagement Sessions

We organize sessions for parents to explain the KUMON methodology, ensuring they understand how KUMON will help their children to grow.

Recognition and Certification

Students achieving outstanding results will receive certificates and recognition from KUMON IGC, enhancing the school’s prestige and motivating students.

Educational Visit to Japan

School representatives will have the opportunity to visit Japan to observe how KUMON operates in its country of origin, gaining deeper insights into its methodology and success.

Tablet Support

Tablets with stylus pens will be provided by KUMON IGC based on the number of students enrolled and the terms of the agreement.

KUMON in School of Nepal

Introducing Kumon to schools in Nepal brings a proven self-learning method that enhances students' skills in math and reading. This approach fosters independence, confidence, and academic excellence, preparing students for a brighter future.
KUMON at United School, Imadol
Total No. of students : 254 (Grade 4)
Since 2024 session.
KUMON at LRI School, Kalanki
Total No. of students : 373 (Grade 3 & 4)
Since 2023 session.